After dehumanizing women by using only part of them in advertising, another trend has come along that promotes violence against women, the glamorization of sexualized violence in advertising. Take these for example:

an ad depicting the execution of a female to sell skateboards

a dead female stuffed into the trunk of a car used to sell shoes

a dirty, dead sexualized female form used to sell jeans

a man violently grasping a woman’s face to sell sunglasses.

Is it any wonder the amount of domestic abuse that occurs in the United States? Women are not only turned into objects, they are turned into objects in which violence upon them is not only acceptable, it is seemingly normal. Normal as it is everywhere, it is used to sell products. But it is not only advertising that promotes violence, it is promoted across genres of popular culture. We will next look into violence in  films and music to further portray how violence against women has become normalized in our culture.